Sometime in the 22nd Century...

Major's Mission: Welcome to My Personal Website

About Me
Contact Me

Hi, My Name Is Major

My Resume:


I'm a rising sophomore double majoring in Applied Math and Computer Science at the University of Southern California. I work as a Website Developer for METRANS TSA as well as an IT Assistant for the USC School of Architecture. I'm searching for suitable summer internships for 2023, but in the meantime I'm focusing on developing my personal projects. Please Explore!!!

What Is Your Mission?

When I was young, I told myself that I would contact aliens when I grew up. I've always believed that extraterrestrial life exists somewhere in our universe. Unfortunately, they may be lightyears away and what's worse is that it may take centuries before our technology is developed for prolonged space travel, which means that I will most likely die before I ever get the chance to contact them.

So What Can Be Done?

When I die, I plan on having my body shipped into outer space as soon as extraterrestrial life is found. That way, I can still contact them with my dead corpse when the time comes and it will still technically count as a success. I'll be celebrating the success of my final mission in heaven.

TLDR: I told myself that I would contact alien life, I never said that I had to be alive whilst doing so.

My Personal Passion Projects

Back in high school, I was personal friends with a lot of professional Rubik's cubers. These friends of mine could solve 3x3s in less than 10 seconds, whilst I had to take around 10 minutes to get the same result. So I decided to code a program using Python that lists out the steps necessary to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube in any position. This program implements the standard Rubik's Cube Solving Algorithm to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube, but in less than 10 milliseconds time. I built this code for the primary purpose of making my friend's talent obsolete since I was unable to compete with their skill level. (In retrospect, I realize that this motivation of mine was pretty petty but to be fair this was back in high school)

In my first semester of college, I took CSCI-103, which was my "Introduction to Programming" class. We used C++ to code multiple projects throughout the semester. We were assigned to complete 16 coding assignments: 10 coding labs, 5 programming assignments, and 1 programming midterm. Each project was designed to teach us unique core concepts of coding, which we were supposed to learn from lectures. We also learned how to debug our code using GDB and optimize our code using Valgrind.

After I was finished with helping METRANS TSA design their company website for the school year, I decided to apply most of the techniques and skills that I learned from METRANS to design and develop my own personal portfolio website by the end of this summer. I wanted to base the theme of my website around something that I was passionate in, so I decided to revolve it around the future of space exploration. I wanted to take my programming skills to the next level so I decided to create a three dimensional, animated, fully functional rocket as my central interface. Overall I am very happy with the way it turned out and I am extremely grateful for METRANS TSA for giving me the skills and experiences I needed to create this personal portfolio website.

While these 3 projects are the main ones that I have in my portfolio for now. I will always be working on projects in the future. Please stay tuned for future updates and I will always be working on new things as new aspects of my future develop.

You're going to need a bigger display my friend.

I'm a programmer, not a writer...

But if I ever feel like writing something, this is probably where I'll put it.

Major Yang


Thank you so much for visiting my website!!! To get in touch with me, please either check out my socials, fill out the form to the right, or email me directly at


Get in Touch With Me!!!

"I'll Be Listening From The Heavens"